IdeaMensch: An interview with Mark Allardyce
Mark Allardyce on 07/26/2016

Enviie the Virtual Envelope: How to maintain privacy and c control

Healthcare Interview - Enviie the Virtual Envelope: How to maintain privacy and c control Taken from a recent interview with Mark Allardyce, a leading innovator in the field of online privacy solutions and applying advanced interactive technology to confidential content. He’s produced dozens of software titles and Internet services since the 80’s. Many of these systems and apps have been very successful, touching countless lives around the world. His clinical and healthcare apps ranged from health, stress, nutrition, fitness, work related stress, cardiac rehabilitation, which were indeed so successful that he sold the business in 1999 to a fully listed PLC on the London Stock Exchange with offices in Manchester, London, New York and Jerusalem.

Mark Allardyce Mark Allardyce
Enviie the Virtual Envelope: How to maintain privacy and c control
An Interview With Mark Allardyce IT Producer
Mark Allardyce on 03/06/2013

The ConfiTrack Back Story

Interview - The ConfiTrack Back Story How did it all begin?

Mark Allardyce Mark Allardyce
The ConfiTrack Back Story
Nick Turnbull on 10/06/2012

IPGOS Solution

Interactive Publishing If it is true that the internet, now married to an increasingly sophisticated broadband network, has at last brought broadcasting freedom, then that new franchise is most obviously embraced by the introduction of the IPGOS delivery platform.

N Nick Turnbull
IPGOS Solution
Nick Turnbull on 09/11/2011

BroadCast Revolution

Interview - Interactive Publishing In 1895, the Lumiere Brothers showed their first ten, very short films to a bewildered, intrigued and possibly even frightened audience in Paris’ Grand Café. Thirty years later, John Logie Baird offered his first, flickering television images to an equally bemused world but in the rather less august surroundings of Selfridge’s department store in London.

N Nick Turnbull
BroadCast Revolution
Nick Turnbull on 10/12/2010

The Darwin Interview with Mark Allardyce

Interview - Interactive Publishing “It’s not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”

N Nick Turnbull
The Darwin Interview with Mark Allardyce
Mark Allardyce on 09/30/2009

Malaysia NCC (National Computing Centre)

A Talk in Malaysia for the British National Computer Centre The NCC asked Mark to speak at 6th International Convention in Langkawi, Malaysia for NCC Education, about his journey between student and success in technology, including:

Mark Allardyce Mark Allardyce
Malaysia NCC (National Computing Centre)
Mark Allardyce on 09/28/2009

UK NCC (National Computer Centre)

Interview Mark Allardyce is an alumni of NCC Education who has a CV that can only reflect the goals of the most ambitious businessman, as he has successfully managed to set up his own business and sell it on the London Stock exchange for over £4 million. Mark exclaims that his success is with thanks to NCC Education, as he recalls his qualification as his ‘passport to industry’.

Mark Allardyce Mark Allardyce
UK NCC (National Computer Centre)